Welcome to Edoardo and William who join the group for their PhDs. Edo completed his MEng in Materials Science in the Department of Materials earlier this summer and William his MRes in Green Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry.
If you read down you will see that Edo spent a summer as a UROP witht he group and returned for his final year project. His PhD will focus on the incoporation of perovskite meterials into photodetectors and is co-supervised by Dr Nicola Gasparini.
William completed his MRes project in the group, having completed a BEng in Chemistry at Kingston University. His PhD will focus on correlating composition and defects with electronic properties in a range of metal oxides. he is co-supervised by Dr John Labram (EEE, UCL).

Congratulations to Dr Jaspreet Kainth who successfully defended her PhD thesis today! Lucky was co-supervised by Professor Martin Heeney (Chemistry) and was a member of the plastic electronics centre for doctoral training, her thesis title was "Atomic Layer Deposition of Metal Oxides for Optoelectronic Device Applications".
Our great thanks to Professor Martyn Pemble (UCC) and Professor Ji-Seon Kim (Physics) for acting as the examiners. Not trying to be too much of an optimist but hopefully this will be the last online viva and we can all return to the normality of in-person interactions.

Congratulations to Dr Lokeshwari (Lucky) Mohan who successfully defended her PhD thesis today! Lucky was co-supervised by Dr Joe Briscoe (QMUL) and was a member of the plastic electronics centre for doctoral training, her thesis title was "Copper(I) thiocyanate deposited via aerosol-assisted chemical vapour deposition for use in perovskite solar cells".
Huge thanks to Dr David Lewis (Manchester) and Professor Martin Heeney (Imperial) for acting as the examiners. Changes to meeting restrictions introduced in early December meant this was yet another online viva...we were so close to managing this one in person!
Meng and msc students 2021-22

Lot's of new additions to the Research Group for the 2021-22 academic year. From our 4th year MEng cohort we will have Edoardo Angela, George Morgan and Joshua Igbins joining the team. In addition Zhaoyi Du and Yuxuan Zhao join us from the MSc in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering cohort.
Welcome to you all!
New group member

A very warm welcome to the Research Group to Esra Alhabshi! Esra joined following time in research and development and project management at Saudi Aramco who currently support her PhD studies. Prior to that she completed her undergraduate studies at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
Esra will be working in the area of perovskite solar cells, investigating relationships between structure, composition, processing and performance.
Welcome summer students

Wellcome to George Morgan and Edoardo Angela, two penultimate year students from the Department of Materials. Both have received funding to enable them to participate in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) scheme for summer.
George will be working on novel green solvents for processing perovskite solar cells whilst Edoardo will be focussing on metal oxide nanostructures for enhanced photodegradation of environmental pollutants.
After extended lockdowns, lab closures and uncertainty it's really amazing to welcome UROP students back for an in-person experience.

After what seems like an eternity of waiting during the long lockdown summer of 2020 my promotion to Professor became official on the 1st October. After some time explaining to my parents the news finally sunk in...just need to wait for UK lockdown to end and COVID to be defeated before there can be a proper celebration.
I owe sincere thanks and gratitude to my research group, collaborators, colleagues, friends and family for their continued and unfaltering support they have given, and continue to give me.
Viva success

Congratulations to Dr David Poussin who successfully defended his PhD thesis today!
Thanks to Dr Nigel Johnson (University of Glasgow) and Dr Mark Oxorrow (Imperial) for being the examiners. David was co-supervised by Professor Natalie Stingelin (Georgia Tech) and funded through a H2020-ITN programme.. His PhD thesis is titled "Three dimensional photonics crystals for optoelectronic applications".
David undertook his viva online owing to the restrictions relating to COVID-19, no-one from the group was able to be with him in person but we were all there in spirit!

Congratulations to Dr Tian Du who successfully defended his PhD thesis today! Tian was co-supervised by Professor James Durrant (Chemistry) and was a member of the plastic electronics centre for doctoral training, his thesis is titled "Bulk and surface recombination losses in perovskite solar cells".
Thanks to Professor Henry Snaith (Oxford) and Professor Said Haque (Imperial) for acting as the examiners during unusual examination conditions. Tian undertook his viva online, which given the current lockdown is becoming something of a norm at present, this of course meant no-one from the group was able to celebrate with Tian in person but everyone was certainly there in spirit.
Viva success

Congratulations to Dr Ahmed Ismail who successfully defended his PhD thesis today!
Thanks to Professor Demosthenes C. Koutsogeorgis (Nottingham Trent) and Professor Martin Heeney (Imperial) for being the examiners. Ahmed was co-supervised by Professor Thomas Anthopoulos (KAUST) and funded by a prestigious Egyptian Government Scholarship. His PhD thesis is titled "p-type metal oxides as interlayers in organic photovoltaics".
Ahmed undertook his viva online owing to the restrictions relating to COVID-19, no-one from the group was able to be with Ahmed in person but we were all there in spirit!

Congratulations to Dr Jonathan Ngiam who successfully defended his PhD thesis today! Jon was co-supervised by Dr David Payne (Materials) and Professor Natalie Stingelin (GaTech). His PhD thesis is titled "The relationships between surfaces, interfaces and bulk properties in organometallic halide materials".
Thanks to Dr Eddie Cussen (Sheffield) and Professor Stephen Skinner (Imperial) for being such professional examiners under the unusual examination conditions. Jon was the first student to take his PhD viva online owing to the restrictions relating to COVID-19, no-one from the group was able to be with Jon in person but we were all there in spirit!
Viva success

Congratulations to Dr Sinclair (Ryley) Ratnasingham who successfully defended his PhD thesis today! Ryley was initially supervised by Dr Russell inions (QMUL) who tragically passed away during his PhD. Supervision was taken over by Martyn with co-supervision from Dr Joe Briscoe (QMUL). Riley was a member of the plastic electronics centre for doctoral training, his thesis is titled "Aerosol processing of halide perovskites".
Thanks to Professor Trystan Watson(Swansea) and Dr David Payne (Imperial) for being the examiners.

Congratulations to Dr Chieh-Ting Lin who successfully defended his PhD thesis today! Lin was co-supervised by Professor James Durrant (Chemistry). His thesis is titled "Enhancing the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells".
Thanks to Dr Chung Tsoi (Swansea) and Professor Martin Heeney (Imperial) for being the examiners.
poster prize!

Congratulations to Lucky who won (joint) best poster prize at The 6th annual Innovations in Large-Area Electronics Conference (innoLAE 2020) meeting in Cambridge - pictured here with her poster.
Below Lucky and her fellow prize winner are presented with their awards by Professor Sir Richard Friend.​

Viva success

Congratulations to Dr Shengda (Bob) Xu who successfully defended his PhD thesis today! Bob was co-supervised by Professor Paul Stavrinou (Oxford) and a member of the plastic electronics centre for doctoral training. His PhD thesis was titled "Solution processed nickel oxide for photovoltaic applications".
Thanks to Professor Paul Meredith (Swansea) and Professor Jason Riley (Imperial) for being the examiners.
Viva success

Congratulations to Dr Rebbecca Kilmurray who successfully defended her PhD thesis today! Becky was co-supervised by Professor Martin Heeney (Chemistry) and a member of the plastic electronics centre for doctoral training. Her PhD thesis was titled "Investigating the AC Hall effect for organic semiconductors".
Thanks to Dr Oliver Fenwick (QMUL) and Professor Sandrine Heutz (Imperial) for being the examiners.
new home!

After months of planning and waiting we are delighted to bye moving into our new labs in our new campus. Delighted to be welcomed into the Chemistry community and to be surrounded by so many great people in the Molecular Sciences Research Hub.